Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Top 5 tips for removing obstacles that keep you from exercising:

1. Wear your exercise clothes to bed, then when it's time to wake up just grab your keys and go! Don't judge, I do it all the time;)

2. Find a friend that enjoys exercise or is motivated to start and plan a weekly meeting time. Make consequences if appointments are broken. No sugar for a week? Or positive rewards such as a movie night! Magic Mike III here we come!

3. Start a blog, facebook page, or instagram posts and update weekly progress to hold you accountable for your goals and join social media groups that keep you motivated.  

4.  Get on livestrong.com and register for a freeeee account! You will get meal plans and exercise classes sent to your inbox. Seriously, it doesn't get any easier than that!

5. Finally, hire a trainer or health coach.  I know it may be scary, because you know you'll have to commit and pay out the cash, but even just committing to a month can start you out on a habitual path of health and happiness!

Good luck and know I am rooting for your best health ever!!! 

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