Monday, July 3, 2017

8 days postnatal surrogacy

I figured since I have a lot more time on my hands while recovering from a c-section 8 days ago, I might as well start posting on this blog again.  It's only been a year since my last post:)haha!

This was my second surrogacy experience and a lot easier than last time.  Although, I did carry twins last time, so that obviously was a more challenging recovery.

I am grateful for the experience of being a surrogate, and I feel like I should be done being a surrogate, but a part of me just loved the experience so much that I can't say 100% that I would never do it again. I really should be done though and my sweet supportive husband agrees that I should be done.

I think one of the reasons I am doing so well this second time around is because I have built such a strong vision for what I want to create in the next year or so.  I am so excited to start my 40's at the end of this year as a beginning to the greatest physical health I've ever had.

I plan on not only being fit and looking good, but also feeling and truly being healthy from within.  I want this next decade of my life to be inspiring, powerful, and beautiful.  I've learned so much in my 30's about taking care of myself, loving myself, and living in the moment that I feel I've prepared for some amazing years ahead!

I am excited and scared to step out of my comfort zone and grow mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally.  I know I will have days where I will want to give up and just be complacent, but I will get to test my limits and my resiliency and see what my potential really is in those challenging moments.

I hope along the way I can inspire people to step out of their comfort zones as well and do something that makes themselves proud!

Thanks to all those that support my journey and good luck to all of you out there who are listening!  

Gentle Postnatal Yoga - week 1

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Is comparison sabotaging your ability to be fit and healthy?

We've all done it at some point in our lives, right?  We see that person with the perfect body, hair, car, house, more money, perfect relationship etc. etc. and we start to feel bad about ourselves for not having those things or situations ourselves.  Teddy Roosevelt said it best in his quote, "Comparison is the thief of joy." 

Many times we are completely unconscious of the comparisons we are making (cough, cough facebook, instagram, twitter).  We even start to resent that person we are comparing ourselves to which keeps us from receiving good in our own lives.  One way to start shifting this normal behavior in ourselves is just to notice it.  No judgement to ourselves, you know the voices I'm talking about, just notice it in your mind and your heart and see how it feels to compare.

It does not feel good, right?  It will not help us in any way to compare ourselves to others.  We each have different backgrounds, experiences, and beliefs and that is what makes the world exciting and unique. Can you imagine if we all had the same things, hair, bodies, car etc. Boooorrrrriiing!

Once you recognize you are comparing and it is doing you NO good, start to look for the things you are grateful for: the color of your eyes, ten toes, working elbows and knees, a gym to work out in, clothes to wear.  As you shift your mindset to gratitude everything else will look pretty good in your life.

I believe as we shift our mindset to positivity and gratitude, something I try and work on daily, we receive more energy and more motivation to take care of ourselves and others from a space of fullness and joy!

Thanks T.R. for that simple, yet profound quote, "Comparison is the thief of joy."

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Top 5 tips for removing obstacles that keep you from exercising:

1. Wear your exercise clothes to bed, then when it's time to wake up just grab your keys and go! Don't judge, I do it all the time;)

2. Find a friend that enjoys exercise or is motivated to start and plan a weekly meeting time. Make consequences if appointments are broken. No sugar for a week? Or positive rewards such as a movie night! Magic Mike III here we come!

3. Start a blog, facebook page, or instagram posts and update weekly progress to hold you accountable for your goals and join social media groups that keep you motivated.  

4.  Get on and register for a freeeee account! You will get meal plans and exercise classes sent to your inbox. Seriously, it doesn't get any easier than that!

5. Finally, hire a trainer or health coach.  I know it may be scary, because you know you'll have to commit and pay out the cash, but even just committing to a month can start you out on a habitual path of health and happiness!

Good luck and know I am rooting for your best health ever!!! 

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Chrissy Scavezze P.T., RYT.: HOT BODY VS. HEALTHY BODY

Chrissy Scavezze P.T., RYT.: HOT BODY VS. HEALTHY BODY: Is a hot body always a healthy body? It kind of depends on how you define a hot body, right? I think we can all agree that some supermod...

Friday, January 22, 2016


Is a hot body always a healthy body? It kind of depends on how you define a hot body, right? I think we can all agree that some supermodels walking down the cat walk and suddenly passing out due to lack of nutrition is not a healthy situation.  In the book The Ultimate Fit or Fat, nutrtionist Covert Bailey says a healthy body-fat content is 15 percent for men and 22 percent for women.  Healthy fat in the body is needed for normal physiology like healthy skin, lubrication for joints, it sheaths neurons, stores vitamins, and is the building block of hormones.  Obviously we don't want fat percentage too high, because then we are in the red zone for heart attacks, heart disease and diabetes, but for now let's focus on extremely low body fat.  Having competed in a fitness show before, I know the dangers of dangerously low levels of body fat in women.  

Many women in fitness competitions look great, even HOT, but I am always wondering if some of these competitors will deal with different thyroid and hormonal issues later as a result of ultra low body fat.  Some won't because their body fat is being closely monitored by the coaches supporting them along the way, but a few might find that the aftershocks of low body fat are a sluggish thyroid, therefore resulting in extreme fatigue, weight gain, etc.  

My point here, is yes appreciate those athletes that are working hard and looking awesome, but know that some of them are walking a fine line with what is healthy and what is not healthy.  

If you feel you need to have your body fat tested to ensure you are in a healthy range, please contact me at or 801-556-8734 and let's make sure your body is healthy and HOT!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

What a Personal Trainer eats on Thanksgiving

Yoga shoot with Kirsten 181.jpg
It's the time of the year to give thanks and oh do we have a lot to be grateful for!  Can I get a hell ya?  For now let's focus on the miracle of your human body.  Every day your body is processing food, healing wounds, fighting bacteria, shaking and moving your bootie in Zumba class (ha, that's what I did today), and so it deserves to be treated well!  So when you prepare to stuff yourself silly next week, ask yourself truly, "how can I serve this blessed miracle of a body today?"  Well for me, it will be to keep that even distribution of protein, carbs and fat, so I don't go into a holiday coma afterwards.  So what does that look like?  I mean the food, not the coma;) Pretty simple.  Here you go:

Drink: 1 glass of wine or sparking water with a splash of cranberry juice and a lime wedge.  Drink a full glass of water an hour before the main meal to help curb your cravings.

Appies: Go straight to the veggie tray and don't overdue it on the ranch. Let's say a tablespoon max on the dip.  YOU ARE AHEAD OF THE GAME!  You avoided the cream cheese filled mushrooms.  Good job!

Main meal: For protein, grab some turkey and you don't have to be the weirdo at the table that tells everyone to hold on while you get out your food scale.  Just take about the size of your fist, so around 4 oz. (women) to 8 oz. (men).

Side dishes: If you are to bring a side dish to the dinner, offer to bring the sweet potatoes and/or holiday salad. Do not, I repeat, do not make the sugary, buttery, version of the sweet potatoes.  If you do, just decide to opt out of the dessert.  Sad face:(  Bake the sweet potatoes in the oven, and when they're done peel them, slice them, and drizzle a teaspoon of maple syrup on top.  They are sweet enough silly!  That's why they are called SWEET potatoes. 
For the salad, I love a kale salad with pomegranates, slivered almonds, and a little bit of feta cheese.  Drizzle a dressing such as: olive oil with lemon essential oil.  I'm drooling already! Eat as much salad as you want!  You'll need the energy to get all kinds of crazy at the shops tomorrow for black Friday.  Cooked green beans are great too!

Dessert: Yep, I'm having some.  I am going to stick with pumpkin, because that is my favorite.  Take a 1/4 slice of the pie, unless it's a Costco size and in that case go for around 1/8th. 

Your waistline will thank you by following this simple meal plan! 
Happy Thanksgiving!