Thursday, November 19, 2015

What a Personal Trainer eats on Thanksgiving

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It's the time of the year to give thanks and oh do we have a lot to be grateful for!  Can I get a hell ya?  For now let's focus on the miracle of your human body.  Every day your body is processing food, healing wounds, fighting bacteria, shaking and moving your bootie in Zumba class (ha, that's what I did today), and so it deserves to be treated well!  So when you prepare to stuff yourself silly next week, ask yourself truly, "how can I serve this blessed miracle of a body today?"  Well for me, it will be to keep that even distribution of protein, carbs and fat, so I don't go into a holiday coma afterwards.  So what does that look like?  I mean the food, not the coma;) Pretty simple.  Here you go:

Drink: 1 glass of wine or sparking water with a splash of cranberry juice and a lime wedge.  Drink a full glass of water an hour before the main meal to help curb your cravings.

Appies: Go straight to the veggie tray and don't overdue it on the ranch. Let's say a tablespoon max on the dip.  YOU ARE AHEAD OF THE GAME!  You avoided the cream cheese filled mushrooms.  Good job!

Main meal: For protein, grab some turkey and you don't have to be the weirdo at the table that tells everyone to hold on while you get out your food scale.  Just take about the size of your fist, so around 4 oz. (women) to 8 oz. (men).

Side dishes: If you are to bring a side dish to the dinner, offer to bring the sweet potatoes and/or holiday salad. Do not, I repeat, do not make the sugary, buttery, version of the sweet potatoes.  If you do, just decide to opt out of the dessert.  Sad face:(  Bake the sweet potatoes in the oven, and when they're done peel them, slice them, and drizzle a teaspoon of maple syrup on top.  They are sweet enough silly!  That's why they are called SWEET potatoes. 
For the salad, I love a kale salad with pomegranates, slivered almonds, and a little bit of feta cheese.  Drizzle a dressing such as: olive oil with lemon essential oil.  I'm drooling already! Eat as much salad as you want!  You'll need the energy to get all kinds of crazy at the shops tomorrow for black Friday.  Cooked green beans are great too!

Dessert: Yep, I'm having some.  I am going to stick with pumpkin, because that is my favorite.  Take a 1/4 slice of the pie, unless it's a Costco size and in that case go for around 1/8th. 

Your waistline will thank you by following this simple meal plan! 
Happy Thanksgiving! 


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